A Balanced Attitude
Islam enjoins wisdom, balance, moderation and tolerance in all affairs, and it condemns excessiveness, extravagance and fanatical attitudes. To achieve a balanced attitude, Muslims need to understand the objectives of Islam, stay close to Islamic guidance, and give as much weight to an aspect of Islam as the noble Prophet of Allah (peace be upon him) and his faithful Companions gave, no more and no less.
Extremist attitudes, practices and customs, make their entrance into an organisation, community or groups, through various ways:
- through views based on ignorance,
- superficial knowledge,
- imbalanced understanding or
- impatience.
Extremism is bred when certain verses of the Quran, sayings of the noble Prophet or certain of his deeds are exaggerated or understood out of their context. It even arises from exaggerated love or hate of someone or something.
Extremism is a disease and leads to intolerance, disrespect, inflexibility and cause conflict amongst people. These, in the long-run, destroy communities and are, therefore, alien to Islam because Islam is the "middle" way.
"Building A New Society" - Zahid Parvez, pp. 200-201
Technorati Tags: Hadith, Balanced Attitude, Extremism, Islam
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