Wealth in Islam.
“Wealth in Islam is divided into two categories:
First the public wealth that is not owned by individuals, but rather they are the property of the entire nation. Such wealth includes oil, minerals, water depth… etc. Islam has instituted a detailed program of running these resources by the legitimate religious ruler or his deputies, who would carry on their task without any wronging on injustice.
The second kind is the wealth owned by individuals or groups, as a result of their work or inheritance. This kind of wealth is also governed by a detailed program. For although Islam did not take a negative stand regarding personal property, it hindered its accumulation in the hands of few people. It was concerned through its tax system and inheritance to ensure that the wealth is distributed among the biggest number of people, Imam Ali says in this respect: “No poor man is hungry except by what the wealthy man enjoys”. He also says: “I have never seen an accumulated wealth, that there is not a usurped right beside it”.” (Ayatullah Fadlullah)
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via Al Musawwir
Tags: Wealth, Islam, The Criterion, Muhammad Karim
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