Show me.

"whatever happens
to the world around
show me your purpose
show me your source
even if the world
is Godless and in chaos
show me your anchor
show me your love
if there is hunger
if there is famine
show me your harvest
show me your resource
if life is bitter
everywhere snakes everywhere poison
show me your garden
show me your meadow
if the sun and the moon fall
if darkness rules the world
show me your light
show me your flame
if i have no mouth
or tongue to utter
words of your secrets
show me your fountain
i'll keep silence
how can i express
your life when mine
still is untold"
-- Rumi, Ghazal Number 2144, translated by Nader Khalili
Technorati Tags: Rumi Purpose Source Life Dream Sufi Wisdom The Criterion Muhammad Karim Tags: Rumi Purpose Source Life Dream Sufi Wisdom The Criterion Muhammad Karim
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